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GVM Pro SD650B Bi-Color LED Monolight (650W)

GVM Pro SD650B Bi-Color LED Monolight (650W)

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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件

Combining variable color with control and power options, the Pro SD650B Bi-Color LED Monolight from GVM is a sturdy aluminum-constructed monolight suitable to light up most scenarios. This powerful 650W light delivers improved performance with a bi-color punch of 2700 to 6800K. Compact yet robust, the Pro SD650B ensures natural and faithful colors and provides intuitive onboard and remote control. The fixture can be powered worldwide with the included power supply, but it can also run on two separately available V-mount batteries.

Controller Box
The light's controller unit features a bright LCD screen and analog knobs for adjusting the light settings. It also supports DMX and has two V-mount battery plates, making it possible to use the Pro SD650B on locations where AC power isn't available. A clamp is supplied for attaching the controller to a light stand.
Strong Output
A great fit for photo sessions, video work, and live broadcast setups, the Pro SD650B delivers great brightness with its included reflector. At 5600K, it outputs 77,300 lux at 3.3'.
Consistent Brightness and Color Accuracy
The light has an innovative algorithm that maintains consistent brightness for all color temperatures with smooth dimming from 0 to 100%. Users can accurately adjust the brightness by 0.1% so they can get exactly the right brightness level for what they want. Besides that, a high CRI/TLCI of 97 ensures advanced proficiency in color reproduction.
Lighting Modes and Effects
Select from three operating modes: CCT, source matching, and special effects. 12 built-in lighting simulations include lightning, CCT cycle, candle, bad bulb, TV, paparazzi, explosion, breathing light, strobe, flame, fireworks, and welding. Additionally, 12 different styles of light sources are available to quickly match your shooting scenes.
Local, App, and DMX Control
You can easily control the unit onboard using the controller unit or remotely via an app. The fixture connects via Bluetooth and can be controlled in groups with GVM brand devices that support mesh networking. For advanced users and more complex studio setups, it also supports DMX-512 control mode with 8- and 16-bit precision.
Active Cooling
The Pro SD series is equipped with built-in fans that deliver efficient heat dissipation with three modes, including smart, high, and silent.
Widely Compatible
Bowens compatibility allows it to be used with a wide range of modifiers, which makes this LED a versatile tool for your lighting needs.
Additional Benefits
650W powerful light source
Built-in rear handles
Suitable for both indoor and outdoor shooting
Includes carry case for storage and transport



  • 本地快遞 滿HK$500 以上免運費
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